Osiris Coffin Art from the NMS

One of the most beautiful examples of Egyptian coffin artwork is housed in the Egyptian Gallery of the Royal Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. In the 'Underworld of the tomb' exhibit there is an amazingly detailed painted coffin baseboard, some of which is shown here.

The baseboard is of the traditional construction. It dates to the 21st or 22nd Dynasty, approximately 900 B.C and is constructed of wood covered in gesso and painted. It was excavated at Thebes by the Scottish archaeologist A.H. Rind.

The central figure on the board is the god Osiris represented as a mummified Pharaoh. He is shown being worshiped by the deceased in the form of a human headed 'Ba' bird.

The detail image on the right shows Anubis the god of embalming. He appears in the bottom left of the main image.